Sunday, April 17, 2011

Xu Ke is passed marriage change harbor intermediary explodes its leave dissident knot new sweetheart

Xu Ke and Shinasheng
Xu Ke and Shinasheng
" bright newspaper weekly publication " the message says, personage of know the inside story discloses Xu Ke and Shinasheng " it is early before half an year, end the affinity that is as long as 30 years secretly already, the lot falls divorce agreement, respective reply is lone " .
Weekly reporter also calls him Shinasheng with respect to this matter, the chuckle after Shi Nasheng picks up the telephone: "Ha! You are told so interestingly lovely... I do not want to talk about these, I am sorry! " hasty ring off.
Xu Ke ever prettied with the leaf Wen Chuanfei is heard
"The knot is over to written guarantee again " , in the bookshops of this one story has his version all the time.
After the word says two people married 1981, xu overcomes as female as some Xing Chuanfei to hear, put forward formally to divorce, after can parting company before long, what he feels he loves most again still is Shinasheng, fly to the United States to beg then compound. Shi Nasheng does not carry what Xu overcomes on the head to press one's suit, agree eventually, but put forward to want to be registered again marry, answer with him recapture some v/arc a person's status.
Actually besides " some female star " outside, xu Ke is returned and foliaceous handsome article also passes Guo Fei to hear. But Shinasheng calls bad luck to say for Xu Ke at that time: "With me familiar friend knows, I and foliaceous handsome article are very good friend, xu Ke follows her not quite ripe sth resembling a net, we attend a lot of time 3 times a few banquets, it is this reason probably, the family just can be misunderstood somewhat. The family just can be misunderstood somewhat..
But 1989, xu Ke directs " laugh be proud all corners of the country " exchange temporarily heroine, foliaceous handsome article overcomes break with with Xu from this, the friendship of two women also not answer exist.
The netizen explodes Xu Ke and belle buy food
At the beginning of this year Feburary, netizen " Wendy of ugly small duckling (Beijing) " explode on the network makings say, the beginning of the year was in a supermarket of Beijing to witness Xu Ke and a belle to ramble together that day supermarket.
"First came at 4 o'clock afternoon bell, some supermarket in new source comes up against Xu Ke to push a car to buy food, right, it is the big director Xu Ke of Hong Kong. Eat on small go-cart of Xu Ke, the flesh kind buy morer, have chicken and chop, look Xu Dao is to should be in area of Beijing swallow Sha to grow, those who prepare food doing not have certain also is him, ramble together with him the belle of the supermarket does not have scrutiny, because go hard,see Xu Ke. Anyway that female very tall, the hair is long long, maintaining a paragraph of distance with Xu Ke. Because do not have the acumen response that amusement remembers, I did not take skill machine to pat him, also did not say even a word. Also did not say even a word..

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